Application Bulletin (DO TEST)
During the months of August and September a Model 1000 DO meter (SCA with Model 10 sensor) was installed in a WWTP in the southeastern US. The meter was compared against a calibrated YSI portable. See the test results in Dissolved Oxygen Test.pdf (29KB)
Application Bulletin (SS vs GRAB SAMPLE)
During the month of August a Model 1500 SS meter (SCA with Model 15 sensor) was installed in a WWTP in Virginia for evaluation. The meter was compared against grab samples analyzed in the lab. See the test results in SS vs GRAB SAMPLE.PDF. (19KB)
Application Bulletin (DO/SS TREND)
A Model 2000 Process Analyzer (DCA), with both DO and SS sensors, was installed in a standard aeration basin of a WWTP in South Louisiana. The results of the test show that a significant cost saving could be realized with better blower control. See the test results in DO SS TREND.PDF. (35KB)